MORIKA | Portfolio

Python | Data Science & AI


Welcome to my Portfolio

I am a female Python professional in Japanwith passion in Data Analysis,
bilingual in Japanese and English with Sales/Consultation/Business Development background

Please take a look at projects that I have worked on
and feel free to contact me for any questions or if you are interested in working together, please get in touch!



  • Python (NumPy, pandas, matplotlib, Jupyter Notebook, Google colaboratory, Flask and more)
  • Generative AI (OpenAI API, Gemini API, LangChain and more)
  • scikit-learn, NLP (spaCy, Transformers and more)
  • SQL (SQLite, BigQuery)
  • tableau
  • GCP
  • Git/GitHub

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap4
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery

  • Google Analytics Individual Qualification (GAIQ)
  • Google AdWords Certified
  • UI/UX design
  • Responsive web design

Coding Courses

I have learnt from and participated in bootcamps and online workshops from various organisations including:


Entity extraction from job descriptions with Gemini 1.5 Flash

Extract certain entities from job description texts scraped and collected from job search site with Gemini 1.5 Flash

  • Gemini Flash 1.5 with Entity Extraction
  • Gemini API with Prompt Engineering
  • NER Automation - Updating the dataframe with entities extracted in new columns

RAG application with Gemini Pro API - Chat and ask question to multiple PDFs

Chat and ask question to multiple PDFs using Gemini Pro API, FAISS and LangChain

  • Gemini Pro API with LangChain
  • Google Generative AI Embedding and FAISS for vector database
  • Deployed on Streamlit

LLM Project - Document question and answer system using Google PaLM and LangChain

Question and Answer system to retrieve relevant hotel review from document (dataframe in this case)

  • Google PaLM with LangChain
  • HuggingFace Embedding and FAISS for vector database
  • RetrievalQA to retrieve relevant reviews from the hotel review source dataframe

Data Analysis of water pipe breakage factors

Google Colaboratory notebook of Data Analysis of potential factors affecting water pipe breakage

  • EDA and Data Visualisation
  • Documented all analytical processes step by step with insights discovered from the data

Kaggle dataset analysis

Machine Learning competition notebooks and exploratory data analysis of several datasets on Kaggle

  • EDA and Data Visualisation
  • Data analysis, Data pre-processing and Feature engineering of datasets
  • Machine Learning Classification with LightGBM

COVID19 Tracker App - JAPAN

Python web application automates data extraction, processing and tableau visualization of latest covid19 data

  • Built with Python and Flask
  • Data extraction, processing, transformation and Loading automated
  • Data visualization with tableau
  • Deployed on GCP with Docker

Donald Trump Twitter Analysis - tableau

Analysis of Donald Trump's twitter and visualization on tableau

  • Analysis of tweets in 2020
  • Analysis by different time periods and tweet topics
  • Data visualization with tableau

Translation Document Analyzer

Product Demo built for a client, the app automates and analyzes actual and billable word counts for files for translation and store the uploaded files in online storage for translation projects using MateCat API

  • Built with Python and MateCat API
  • Uploaded files by the user are stored in Google Cloud Storage and files and the translation language pairs selected by the user sent as POST request to MateCat (AI driven translation tool) API, analyzed data returned gets displayed on the result page
  • Web deployment with Flask and deployed on GCP with Google App Engine with Cloud Storage API

Tripadvisor Review Analyzer App

Python and selenium web application to scrape and analyzer tourist attraction reviews on Tripadvisor with Sentiment Analysis

  • Built with Python and selenium
  • Data extracted, processed, cleaned and analyzed with NLP tooklit NLTK

News Data Summarizer App

Python web application to scrape and summarize web news data with Python libraries and NLP processing

  • Built with Python and Flask
  • Data extracted, parsed and summarized with newspaper3k
  • App deployment on Google App Engine

Jupyter Notebook
BigQuery Data Analysis

Analysis on BigQuery Public Dataset on San Francisco Film Location using Python and SQL

  • Data Loading with BigQuery/SQL
  • Data Wrangling with Pandas and NumPy
  • Data Manipulation for analysis
  • Data Visualization with matplotlib

News Scraper App

Python web application to scrape, extract and load News website data using Beautiful Soup

  • Built with Python and Flask
  • Data scraped with Beautiful Soup
  • App deployment on Google App Engine


API Web application with interactive map to search and locate recyclable points in Hong Kong

  • Built with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap4 and JavaScript
  • API with axios
  • Fully Responsive Design

Portfolio Site

Modern, professional and fully responsive one page portfolio site

  • Built with HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap4 and JavaScript
  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Working contact form with validation
  • Email displayed but hidden with BASE64